Bowen Therapy

What Is Bowen Therapy?

Bowen Therapy is a gentle and effective technique that promotes deep relaxation and supports the body in rebalancing and healing itself. It offers significant relief from stress and various conditions by interrupting the body's self-check feedback loop, directing repair efforts where needed.

This therapy works on both connective tissue and muscles, providing pain relief, stress management, and enhanced energy levels. Many clients report feeling brighter, better able to manage life's challenges, with improved sleep and overall vitality.

When To See A Bowen Therapist?

Bowen Therapy is building a reputation to be the therapy that works when everything else doesn’t seem to.

Bowen Therapy works not only on the muscles of the body but greater affects the tendons, ligaments, fascia, and the nervous system therefore Bowen Therapy is a good option and may help where stress seems to be an underlying factor in muscle tension.

Bowen Therapy may help clients who suffer from
* Vertigo
*Long Concussion Symptoms

* Long COVID Symptoms

* Headaches and migraines
Stress, anxiety or depression

If you have tried other therapies and find that they help but don’t make lasting change, then maybe it’s time to try some Bowen Therapy.

We also recommend Bowen Therapy to the older generation who may not enjoy the pressure of a remedial massage, who may be frail with the bone structure or who even find it difficult lying on the treatment table.

Bowen Therapy can be performed seated in a comfortable chair and therefore makes it possible for anybody to receive Bowen Therapy

Commonly Treated Conditions

Bowen Therapy may help with

• Muscular/skeletal problems such as back, neck & shoulder pain

• hip & lower back pain

• Knee, ankle & foot pain

- sciatic pain

• Accidents & injuries including whiplash

• sports/work injuries (as well as a preventative).

• Gynecological problems such as

Pre-menstrual Symptoms

Menopause Symptoms


Ovarian or uterine problems


• Pregnancy discomfort

• Respiratory issues such as

bronchial & asthma

hay fever & allergies

•Digestive issues such as


kidney issues

gall issues

•Mental illnesses such as

Anxiety & Depression



•Posture and body realignment.

•Headaches & migraines

•Tinnitus, vertigo, sinus & jaw problems.

•Incontinence in both children and adults


-high blood pressure,

- MS,



•Bell’s palsy,

and many more.

What To Expect In A Treatment

Each treatment lasts about an hour. Two or three treatments are often required to bring long term relief from pain, although this can be less or more depending on the individual need. Often the gentle moves can be applied through lightweight, loose clothing or directly on the skin.

After each move, there may be a short rest period to allow time for subtle adjustments to occur, in which the therapist may leave the room. The client may soon feel very relaxed as Bowen releases stress at a deep level – some people even fall asleep.

During the session, the nervous system slows down to permit a switch-off from everyday problems and healing begins. Usually, visiting clients will lie upon a treatment bed and be kept warm and covered.

If preferred, seated Bowen can be beneficial for those who cannot or prefer not to lie down. In any event, the client must always feel comfortable and relaxed, to enable them to enjoy and receive maximum

Can I Claim Bowen Therapy On My Private Health Insurance?

Unfortunately, Bowen Therapy can NOT be claimed on Private Health Insurance.

The Bowen Association of Australia are working hard to try and get this rectified and we hope someday that Bowen Therapy is a claimable treatment.

Bowen For Children

Bowen can be given at any age of life, including the minute a baby is born. Bowen is gentle and quickly embraced by children as they find it very relaxing. Bowen is perfect for children that can be overstimulated or sensitive to touch. Treatment is received over light clothing, on couches or chairs, on parents’ laps and often a baby enjoys the benefits across Mum or Dad’s shoulder.

Conditions responding well to Remedial Therapies include:-


• asthma,

• autism,

• allergies,

• Bed-wetting,


•cerebral palsy,

•chest infections,

•clicky hips,




•glue ear,

•growing pains,


•muscular and skeletal problems,

•panic attacks,

•psoriasis sinusitis,

•stress and many more.

In addition, it can improve/correct posture balance and coordination helping the child to learn new skills and improve confidence.

Bowen Therapy benefits include:

•Improved sleeping pattern;

•more balanced energy level;

•better concentration and application;

•enhanced motor control and behaviour

•generally happier, quieter


It also aids recovery from trauma e.g.

•difficult birth,


•a family death,

•divorce/separation within the family.

Some childhood ailments may require regular treatments.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Is Bowen Therapy Different From Remedial Massage?

• Remedial Massage therapists physically work along a muscle to increase blood flow and heal the muscles. At the end of a Remedial Massage, you get up off the treatment table feeling fantastic, almost like a new person.

During a Bowen Therapy treatment, the therapist will make specific, cross fibre moves on specific muscles in a specific sequence. Between these moves, there can be a 2-5 minute wait time where the therapist will not touch your body.

• The moves the Bowen therapist makes are like setting a flag for the body to do a self-assessment of the area, and figure out what is going on in this area and what the body needs to do to heal itself. The wait times are there to allow these messages to pass through the body without interruption. Speeding up the wait times can interfere with the messages and cause them to get muddled up and not be as clear.\

• When you get up off the treatment table at the end of a Bowen session you may not feel much different. What the treatment has done is initiate your body’s healing process. This process takes time as the body works hard under the surface to do what it needs to do.

•The most common feedback obtained from Bowen Therapy clients is when they say

“It wasn’t until a couple of days after the treatment that I realised that I hadn’t really noticed the complaint anymore”

• So I guess your very first Bowen Therapy treatment is a bit of a leap of faith, to trust that the changes will come. This is why we like to follow an initial Bowen Therapy treatment up with a second one a week or so after your first. Make sure that you noticed the changes and reiterate the moves within your body so that your body knows exactly what the signs mean and how to best process them..

How Often Should I Get Bowen Therapy?

• When you first have Bowen Therapy, or when you come in with a new complaint to be treated with Bowen it is recommended to have 2-3 treatments approximately 1 week apart. This is to ensure that you get the best results from the treatments.

• Once these initial treatments have been done, and there is a significant change, the frequency of the treatments can start to stretch out until you have reached a maintenance phase in your treatments. This is a Bowen Therapy treatment approximately every 6-8 weeks. Just to stay on top of things and ensure your body running at its best.

Will I Feel Sore After Bowen Therapy?

• Unlike a massage, Bowen Therapy usually doesn’t leave you feeling sore. It is a very gentle therapy that encourages the body to do a lot of the healing, rather than the therapist. 

• In very rare cases Bowen may leave you feeling a little drowsy or rundown in the first 24 hours if your body has a lot of healing to do, but once the body comes through this period of healing you will be left feeling far better than before your treatment.

What Should I Do After A Bowen Therapy Session?

• There are 3 rules for after a Bowen Therapy session, and we call them the 3 W’s.

• Water – ensure that you drink lots of water after your Bowen Session. Both that day and the following day. A lot of Bowen Therapy works on the fascia in your body – or your connective tissue. The greater hydrated the fascia is the better result you will get from your Bowen.

• Walk – or move constantly. Movement also impacts the fascia in the body and allows the signals to continually be checked and the body to heal. I often joke with my clients and say after a Bowen Therapy session it is not recommended that you go home and watch a movie marathon! However, if you do find yourself at work, or at home with not much to do it is recommended to get up every hour or so and walk around the house or office.

•Wait – this refers to waiting before you get another type of treatment, for example, a massage or chiropractic treatment. Bowen Therapy set the body into a healing frenzy and it might take a few days to get the best result from your treatment. It is recommended that you don’t get any other therapies for up to 5 days after a Bowen treatment. 



Whether it’s pain or stress relief, recovery from an injury, post operation or a strategic plan for improved mobility – we have a service and friendly staff to meet your needs.

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